How I Build 4 Websites a Week While Prioritizing Happy Clients – My Step-by-Step Website Creation Process as a Freelancer
#web-development #freelancing #productivity
Building websites efficiently is one thing—but making sure every client gets a smooth, stress-free experience is what truly matters to me very personally. As a freelance web developer, I’ve refined my processes which now help me serve up to 4 clients per week while keeping quality, clarity, and client happiness at the center of everything I do.
In this post, I’ll walk you through my step-by-step website creation process, from the first client conversation to the final launch and beyond. Whether you're a freelancer looking to streamline your workflow or just curious about what goes into building a great website, I hope this gives you some valuable insights! 🚀
How I Made Exam Prep More Fun & Efficient with ChatGPT – Here’s How You Can Do It Too
Studying for exams doesn’t have to be stressful. After testing different AI strategies, I found a way to make exam prep more efficient, engaging, and even fun—all while saving time. In this post, I’ll share exactly how I used ChatGPT to create audio-friendly summaries, interactive mock exams, and a stress-free study routine. If you want to study smarter (not harder), this is for you!
My Journey to Creating a Supportive Community for Freelancers & Small Business Owners - #2: Validation, Feedback, and First Ideas
#web-development #freelancing #productivity #personal-development #building-an-online-community
Excited to bring my Balanced Business Community to life! 🚀 After brainstorming the vision, I’ve started validating the idea, refining my plans, and even creating a landing page to share what this community could offer. And here’s some big news: my therapist and coach, Jack, has offered to give a free expert talk on mental health and balanced work for freelancers—a perfect first event to kick things off!
My Journey to Creating a Supportive Community for Freelancers & Small Business Owners - #1: The Vision
#web-development #freelancing #productivity #personal-development #building-an-online-community
How can I bring even more value to my clients? This question sparked an exciting idea: creating an online community for freelancers and small business owners. In this post, I share the vision, the brainstorming chaos, and the very first steps of turning this big project into reality.
Want to follow the journey and help shape this idea? I'd love to hear your thoughts—join my newsletter to stay updated!
How I 15x My Freelance Business in 2024 – and Transformed My Life Along the Way
#web-development #freelancing #productivity #personal-development
2024 has been a year of growth, focus, and transformation for me. I turned my freelance web development business from a side-hobby into something truly exciting – growing it 15x in reach, income, and impact. But it wasn’t just about numbers. Along the way, I learned to align my work with my passions, connect with amazing people, and build a business that supports not just my clients’ visions but also the life I want to live. Here’s how I did it – and what I learned that might help you, too
Websites, die deine Vision sichtbar machen - Ein Überblick über meine Lösungen
#web-development #freelancing #other
Jede Vision verdient eine Website, die sie sichtbar macht – und dabei möchte ich Dich bestmöglich unterstützen. Dafür habe ich passende Angebote für jede Situation zusammengestellt – von schnellen, budgetfreundlichen Lösungen bis hin zu Premium-Websites. Hier stelle ich sie Dir vor!
Deine erste Website - hier sind die wichtigsten 8 praktischen Tipps!
Deine erste Website ist mehr als nur online präsent zu sein. In diesem Artikel teile ich die wichtigsten Tipps, um einen guten Start hinzulegen – von Design und Inhalten bis zu typischen Fehlern, die Du vermeiden kannst.
Call-to-Actions Done Right: CTA Guide für mehr Interaktionen
Ein guter Call-to-Action macht den Unterschied – zwischen bloßem Interesse und einer echten Aktion Deiner Website-Besucher:innen. In diesem Guide teile ich, warum CTAs so wichtig sind und wie Du sie gestalten kannst, um mehr Interaktionen und Conversions zu erreichen.
Warum jede Website für mich mehr als ein Projekt ist
#web-development #freelancing #productivity #personal-development #other
Hinter jeder Website steckt für mich mehr als nur ein Projekt. Meine Mission ist es, Unternehmer:innen den Raum zu geben, sich auf das zu konzentrieren, was wirklich zählt – ihre Ideen und Visionen.
Was für ein Jahr!✨
#web-development #freelancing #productivity #personal-development #other
Was für ein Jahr! ✨ Letztes Jahr habe ich im gesamten Jahr 4 Projekte umgesetzt – und heute, gerade in dieser Woche, durfte ich an 4 Kunden-Projekten gleichzeitig arbeiten! Ein kleiner Rückblick auf über 25 Web-Projekte voller Leidenschaft, Teamwork und der Freude, die Visionen meiner Kund:Innen online zum Leben zu bringen. Danke an alle, die diesen Weg mit mir gehen – und auf alles, was noch vor uns liegt! #AlwaysMoreToCome 🚀
Farbpsychologie im Webdesign – Design, Emotionen, Vertrauen
Ich kriege ja manchmal das Grauen, wenn ich Websites, Plakate oder Flyer sehe, bei denen der Text kaum lesbar ist oder Gelb und Lila direkt nebeneinander stehen :D Farben haben einen enormen Einfluss auf die Wirkung einer Seite – und genau deshalb ist die bewusste Farbwahl bei jedem meiner Projekte so entscheidend. Sie sind nicht nur dekorativ, sondern spielen eine große Rolle dabei, wie Deine Website auf die Besucher:innen wirkt.
Mehr Sichtbarkeit in Deiner Region: Local SEO Schritt für Schritt
Wenn Du ein lokales Business betreibst – sei es ein Café, ein Fitnessstudio oder ein Coaching-Service – ist es essenziell, dass Dein Unternehmen in Deiner Region sichtbar ist. Aber auch, wenn Du remote arbeitest, kannst Du von Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) profitieren. Selbst wenn Deine Kund:innen nicht direkt vor Deiner Tür stehen, hilft Local SEO dabei, Deine Sichtbarkeit in bestimmten Regionen zu steigern. Ein gutes Beispiel? Genau, ich selbst :D Auch als Webentwickler profitiere ich von Local SEO und einem gut optimierten Google My Business-Profil.
Egal, ob Du gerade erst anfängst oder Deine lokale Präsenz bereits aufgebaut hast, in diesem Post zeige ich Dir die wichtigsten Schritte, um Deine Sichtbarkeit mit Local SEO zu steigern – Schritt für Schritt!
Die Psychologie hinter Social Proof – Wie Du Vertrauen aufbaust
Vertrauen ist die Grundlage jeder erfolgreichen (Geschäfts-)Beziehung – egal ob im Business, im Freundeskreis oder sogar im Sport. Wir alle möchten sicherstellen, dass wir die richtigen Entscheidungen treffen. Genau hier kommt Social Proof ins Spiel. Aber was genau ist Social Proof und warum funktioniert er so gut? Lass uns einen kurzen Blick auf die Psychologie dahinter werfen und wie Du ihn für Dein Business nutzen kannst.
Checkliste für deine erfolgreiche Website – die wichtigsten Standards im Überblick
Ob Du selber Deine bestehende Website optimieren willst, gerade eine neue Website planst oder als Designer:In Seiten für Kund:Innen erstellst – diese Checkliste zeigt Dir, ob Deine Seite den heutigen Standards entspricht. Sie bietet umsetzbare Schritte zur Verbesserung und sorgt dafür, dass Deine Website nicht nur gut aussieht, sondern auch erfolgreich funktioniert.
My Book and Podcast Recommendations for You
#web-development #IT #personal-development #productivity #freelancing #competitive-sports #other
Dive into my recommendations of books and podcasts - resources to benefit your life and broaden your horizons. I hope these help you as much as they helped me!
Mehr als nur Instagram: Eine Website als Powerlifting Coach?
#web-development #freelancing #competitive-sports
Instagram ist oft der erste Schritt, aber eine eigene Website bringt Dein Coaching auf das nächste Level. Ich habe hier mal zusammengefasst, warum es sich für Dich als Powerlifting Coach lohnt, eine eigene Website zu haben, was Du darauf zeigen solltest und wie sie Dir hilft, in der wachsenden Community herauszustechen
Transform Work into Play: Discover the Secrets to Enjoyable Productivity in My New Class
#productivity #personal-development
Are you tired of the traditional, dull productivity methods that make work feel like a chore? What if I told you there's a way to make every task enjoyable and fulfilling? Welcome to my new video class, where I teach you how to transform your work and life with fun and purpose - I look forward to seeing you there!
Living and Working Happier: My Experience with Ali Abdaal's 'Feel Good Productivity'
#productivity #personal-development
Discover how Ali Abdaal's ‚Feel Good Productivity‘ transformed my approach to productivity and well-being. Learn how to do more of what matters, align your actions with your goals, and have fun along the way.
How I Finally Mastered Quality Sleep: My Tips and Science-Backed Strategies
#productivity #personal-development #other
Ever felt like getting a good night's sleep is a never-ending battle? You're not alone! In this post, I share how I transformed my sleep habits. From setting up a solid bedtime routine to discovering the benefits of guided sleep meditation, this guide is packed with practical advice and easy-to-follow tips. Ready to start snoozing better? Let's get started!
How I Manage to Do Everything I Love: Time Blocking Tips and Personal Insights
#productivity #personal-development
Ever feel like your life is juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle? Time blocking might be the game-changer you need. In this post, I share my personal experience with time blocking—how it helps me balance competitive sports, one employed job, one self-employed job, master’s studies, a fulfilling social life, and relaxed free time, and why it might work for you too. Discover practical tips, tools, and insights to maximize your time and focus on what truly matters
Selbstvertrauen im Kraftsport: Interview mit Sportpsychologe Paul Schlütter
Ich habe Paul Schlütter von Fundamentalkraft zu einem meiner Lieblingsthemen interviewt: Confidence im Kraftsport. Paul, ein erfahrener Sportpsychologe, hat uns super spannende Einblicke in die Bedeutung von Selbstvertrauen im Training und Wettkampf gegeben. Diese möchte ich nun gerne mit euch teilen. Erfahrt mehr über die Definition von Selbstvertrauen, wissenschaftliche Hintergründe und praktische Tipps, die euch helfen können, euer volles Potenzial im Training zu entfalten.
Self-Confidence in Strength Sports: Interview with Sports Psychologist Paul Schlütter
I interviewed Paul Schlütter from Fundamentalkraft on one of my favorite topics: confidence in strength sports. Paul, an experienced sports psychologist, gave us fascinating insights into the importance of self-confidence in training and competition. I would now like to share these with you. Learn more about the definition of self-confidence, scientific background, and practical tips that can help you unlock your full potential in training.
How ChatGPT Can Transform Your Work and Study Routines: Practical Tips and Personal Insights
#web-development #IT #productivity #freelancing #other
Hey there! If you've ever wondered how AI could make your life a bit easier, you're in the right place. ChatGPT (you’ve probably heard of it already :D) is an incredibly handy tool that can help with a variety of tasks—everything from drafting emails and writing reports to studying for exams and learning new skills.
Mastering the Remote Work & Travel Balance: My 8-Week Journey in Australia
Ever thought about mixing work with travel? Well, that's exactly what I did during my 8-week adventure across Australia. If you're curious about how to successfully combine work responsibilities with wanderlust, keep reading! I’m excited to share personal anecdotes as well as tips on how you can do it too, without sacrificing work quality or travel experiences.
Explore My Top 7 Favorite Spots in Sydney with Me
This is the first time ever I’m writing about traveling. But my trip to Australia was such a defining part and highlight of my life that I really want to share some more on that. So whether you’re looking for travel tips or just enjoy reading some stories: Here you go! We’ll start at the beginning - my favorite places in Sydney. If you’re ever there, go check them out. If not, just enjoy the read and photos.
Finding Clients as a (Web Development) Freelancer - Part 2
Explore effective short-term strategies for immediately acquiring clients as a (web development) freelancer. Discover actionable tips on direct outreach, leveraging referrals, optimizing paid ads, and more to rapidly expand your client base.
Finding Clients as a (Web Development) Freelancer
Discover proven strategies and practical tips that can elevate your freelance career, whether you're a web developer or involved in any other freelance field. Join me as we lay the foundation for long-term success and explore how to blend strategic planning with immediate actions.
The Homepage Canvas on 'Informatik-Aktuell'-magazine
The Homepage Canvas I developed has now been published in the renowned magazine 'Informatik-Aktuell'!
Recipe Recommender - My Bachelor Thesis
I wrote my Bachelor Thesis about algorithms for personalized recipe recommendations - here are some insights!
Exploring the Homepage Canvas: A Guide to Strategic Website Planning
In the realm of website development, having a clear roadmap can make all the difference between a successful project and one that falls short of expectations. Clear communication between web developers and clients is essential, not only for satisfying results, but also for enjoyable teamwork. This is where the Homepage Canvas comes into play - a versatile tool designed to simplify communication, enhance collaboration and help with collecting and structuring ideas, wishes and preferences for website projects.
Building OneFlow: Crafting an Effortless Jekyll Theme for One-Pager Websites
Join me on the journey of crafting OneFlow, a Jekyll theme designed for seamless One-Pager websites. Why did I choose a GitHub repository over the conventional official theme route? The answer is as straightforward as OneFlow's structure. Let's delve into the code and explore why this laid-back approach aligns with my vision.
How I VERY successfully used ChatGPT for Exam Preparation - and how it can help you
Studying for exams can be a daunting task, but my recent experience with an oral exam was transformed by an unlikely ally - ChatGPT. In this post, I'll share how I utilized ChatGPT to prepare for my exam effectively and how it can help you as well.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) #3 - Meta-Tags
In this series of posts, I want to show you what you can do to optimize your site for search engines. The second post is about Meta-Tags.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) #2 - URL Structure
In this series of posts, I want to show you what you can do to optimize your site for search engines. The second post is about URL structure.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) #1 - Naming Images & Alternative Texts
In the posts of this series, I want to show you what you can do to optimize your site for search engines. The first post is all about naming images and alternative texts.